Best Our Planet Episodes to Watch

Our Planet is a groundbreaking Netflix documentary series that follows the planet's breathtaking diversity and how climate change impacts the natural world. This visually stunning eight-part documentary series, from the team behind Planet Earth, features narration by Sir David Attenborough and takes us on a journey around planet Earth to explore some of the planet's natural beauty.

The show explores what life on earth looks like today revealing amazing wildlife spectacles in all their abundance, diversity, and fragility. It features locations from the Arctic wilderness and mysterious deep oceans to the vast landscapes of Africa - exploring what life is like in each of these places, as well as what threats they are facing.

The series also dives deep into conservation issues and examines how human activity has affected planet Earth and its inhabitants. Viewers will come away with an understanding of what our planet is, what we are doing to it, and what we must do to protect it for the next generation.

The Best Our Planet Episode List

When it comes to nature documentaries, Sir David Attenborough is undoubtedly one of the greatest authorities on the planet. His series Our Planet has captivated audiences around the world since its release in 2019, with its stunning visuals and sound design drawing viewers into a spectacular exploration of our natural world. But with so many episodes across eight different categories - Forests, Oceans, Jungles, Freshwaters, Grasslands, Deserts, and the Arctic - it can be difficult to know where to start. To make it easier for you, here is a list of the best Our Planet episodes to watch.

One Planet

This episode is dedicated to examining the fragility and interconnectivity of our planet. Sir David Attenborough's narration illuminated Our Planet’s stunning visuals, transporting viewers far and wide across Earth’s natural wonders.

The episode explores the Earth's ebb and flow, showcasing the planet's breathtaking diversity and demonstrating how life on Earth is shaped by these changes. Our Planet also offers us a glimpse into the human connection to nature, highlighting how hunting dogs are an integral part of the ecosystem.

Ultimately, One Planet is a powerful reminder that our world is precious, delicate, and uniquely interconnected. Sir David Attenborough's captivating narration has created an impactful experience that will stay with viewers for years to come. Our planet is a powerful reminder that action must be taken now, to preserve the Earth.

One Planet on Wikipedia


In this episode, Sir David Attenborough takes viewers on a remarkable journey to discover the incredible species and habitats found in jungle ecosystems around the world. From lush forests to steamy jungles, this episode shows how biodiversity thrives in the most unlikely places.

We meet creatures that have adapted to life in the jungle, from macaws that can crack open Brazil nut pods with their powerful beaks, to remarkably ambitious ants found in the leaf litter. The episode takes viewers further still, below ground level, and into the depths of soil layers full of earthworms and termites.

Jungles are essential for the future of our planet, but sadly they are under threat from human activities such as deforestation. This episode reminds us to be aware of the consequences of our actions and how we can help find ways to protect these awe-inspiring ecosystems.

Jungles on IMDb

Frozen Worlds

Frozen Worlds is Our Planet's most ambitious episode yet, with stunning cinematography and powerful storytelling that will leave viewers stunned. The episode takes a deep dive into the icy landscapes of our planet, such as the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Frozen Worlds showcases the incredible beauty and harshness of life on Earth’s most unforgiving frontier. We see how wildlife, like polar bears and penguins, that thrive in these extreme climates must adapt or risk extinction.

As the crew filmed Frozen Worlds, they encountered some of the most powerful images of climate change yet seen on television. Dramatic footage shows glaciers melting away, exposing the shorelines that were frozen for centuries. This brings us closer than ever before to the effects of global warming and reminds us of our responsibility as custodians of this beautiful planet.

Frozen Worlds on IMDb

The High Seas

Much like the Blue Planet Series, also narrated by Sir David Attenborough, this episode visits some of the least explored parts of our oceans, where biological processes support an incredible diversity of marine life. Viewers get to witness rare footage as they get to explore some of the most extreme and remote places on our planet.

The High Seas also show how species form intricate webs of survival and interact in remarkable ways, such as when immense groups of dolphins work together to herd fish into a single school. This episode also reveals the importance of protecting our ocean ecosystems and the devastating effects of climate change on marine creatures around the world.

The High Seas on IMDb

From Deserts to Grasslands

The Our Planet episode From Deserts to Grasslands takes viewers on a journey through these remarkable transformations. Viewers will be able to witness the beauty of nature and how life can flourish even in the aridest places with just a little bit of water. Through expert commentary from Sir David Attenborough, viewers will gain a better understanding of the complex ecology of these areas, and how the transformation from desert to grassland can impact both animal and human populations.

The Our Planet episode From Deserts to Grasslands is an eye-opening look at how nature works in perfect harmony and what steps humans can take to help preserve and protect these incredible landscapes. Our Planet has always been a powerful example of the beauty that exists in our world and this episode provides an even more vivid reminder of that.

From Deserts to Grasslands on IMDb

Fresh Water

Fresh Water takes viewers on an underwater exploration of some of the most dramatic and fragile ecosystems on our planet - rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Sir David Attenborough guides us through these incredible places and reveals the vital roles they play in sustaining life around the globe.

This episode takes us on a journey to explore this life-giving habitat and the marine creatures that depend on it. We learn about dams, overfishing, and water pollution. Discover how our demand for food is putting pressure on these delicate ecosystems while witnessing the devastating impacts of illegal logging on the Amazon's fragile inhabitants.

Fresh Water is an eye-opening reminder of the importance of protecting planet Earth's precious freshwater ecosystems.

Fresh Water on Wikipedia


In Our Planet's episode Forests, we explore the diversity and importance of forests around the world. From lush rainforests in South America to cool temperate forests in the northern hemisphere, these ecosystems are vital to our environment - they provide oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, protect biodiversity, and regulate global temperatures.

Forests are home to many iconic species, including the Bengal Tiger, Orangutan, and Giant Pandas. Our Planet's episode Forests shows us how these species have been impacted by human activity and highlights the need to safeguard their habitats.

Forests on IMDb


The Our Planet documentary series is a must-watch for anyone who wants to learn more about Earth’s incredible biodiversity and understand why it’s so important to protect our planet now and in the future. With its captivating visuals, informative narration, and important conservation messages, Our Planet is an incredible journey that will open your eyes to the beauty and fragility of our planet – and leave you feeling more determined than ever to protect it for future generations.

Be sure to check out Our Planet today for a powerful and thought-provoking look at the world we live in. It’s an experience that you won’t soon forget! Looking into more nature documentaries to watch? Check this link out for more of the best nature documentary series.


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