11 Documentaries on the Political Career of Hillary Clinton

A Comprehensive Guide

Hillary Clinton's political career has been a subject of widespread interest and extensive documentation. The evolution of her public life from First Lady to Secretary of State, and her historic 2016 presidential campaign, provides ample material for documentary filmmakers.

Viewers can gain valuable insights into her impact on American politics through a series of documentaries that explore her various roles and the challenges she faced. These films not only highlight her political achievements but also examine the cultural and personal elements that have shaped her career.

1) "Hillary" (2020) - Directed by Nanette Burstein

Hillary (2020) is a four-part documentary series directed by Nanette Burstein. The documentary offers an intimate look at the life and career of Hillary Clinton.

Burstein conducted 35 hours of interviews with Hillary Clinton to create a detailed portrait of her. The film covers both her public and private life, showing her journey from being the First Lady to a prominent political figure.

The series also delves into her role in the feminist movement. It uses 2,000 hours of behind-the-scenes footage from her 2016 presidential campaign to provide viewers a unique perspective.

The documentary premiered at Sundance in January 2020 and later debuted on Hulu. It aims to showcase Clinton's resilience and contributions to American politics.

More Information (2020)

2) "The Final Year" (2017) - Directed by Greg Barker

"The Final Year" (2017) offers an insightful look into the last 12 months of President Barack Obama's administration. The documentary, directed by Greg Barker, centers on the foreign policy team, highlighting their activities and decisions during this period.

While the film primarily follows key figures like Secretary of State John Kerry, Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, and Assistant National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, President Obama himself makes occasional appearances. Through their experiences, the documentary provides a glimpse into the complexities and challenges of formulating and implementing U.S. foreign policy.

"The Final Year" is notable for its intimate and behind-the-scenes perspective, capturing candid moments and in-depth discussions among the team members. This approach allows viewers to better understand the dynamics and pressures faced by the administration during a significant and transitional period.

The film's portrayal of the Obama administration's foreign policy efforts offers valuable context and a comprehensive view of the strategic decisions that shaped the final year of his presidency.

For more information, visit IMDb or Wikipedia.

3) "American Mirror: Intimations of Immortality" (2018) - Directed by Arthur Balder

"American Mirror: Intimations of Immortality" (2018), directed by Arthur Balder, features Oscar-winning screen icon Susan Sarandon and Armenian painter Tigran Tsitoghdzyan.

The documentary explores themes of time and identity. Sarandon and Tsitoghdzyan discuss the conflict between beauty and aging in modern society. Social media's role in shaping perceptions of these values is a central topic.

As Tsitoghdzyan paints Sarandon's portrait, the film delves into the nature of creativity and artistic expression. It highlights how art can challenge conventional views. The narrative is non-linear and aims to capture the deep conflicts within creativity.

The documentary received critical acclaim and won the Best International Documentary Award at Fabrique Du Cinema in Rome. This recognition underscores its impact and relevance in contemporary discourse about art and society.

For more information, visit the film's IMDb page.

4) "The Woman Who Wasn't There" (2012) - Directed by Angelo Guglielmo Jr.

"The Woman Who Wasn't There" (2012) follows the story of Tania Head, who falsely claimed to be a survivor of the 9/11 attacks. Angelo Guglielmo Jr. directed this documentary, offering an intricate look at the complex web of lies Head spun.

The film delves into how Tania Head became a prominent figure in the World Trade Center Survivors' Network. Her elaborate deceit not only shocked those she befriended but also left a lasting impact on a close-knit community.

Director Angelo Guglielmo Jr. was already working with Head when the truth about her deception came to light. This serendipitous timing provides a unique angle on the revelation and aftermath of her story.

The documentary explores the emotional toll on real survivors who trusted Head, providing firsthand accounts that detail the hurt and betrayal they felt. Guglielmo's approach, while sometimes criticized for its execution, offers essential insights into the ramifications of Head's lies.

"The Woman Who Wasn't There" is a compelling watch for those interested in human psychology and the consequences of deceit.

For more information, visit IMDb.

5) "With All Due Respect" (2015) - Directed by Justin Kennedy

"With All Due Respect," directed by Justin Kennedy, aired in 2015. This documentary series provides a comprehensive look into the political landscape during the 2016 presidential election, with a particular focus on Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hosted by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, the show delves into various aspects of Clinton’s strategies, challenges, and key moments. The series captures interviews, debates, and behind-the-scenes footage that highlight her political maneuvers.

Hillary Clinton's interactions with other candidates, her policy presentations, and her responses to controversies are documented. The series offers insights into the rigorous process of campaigning and the intense media scrutiny faced by Clinton during this period.

This documentary serves as an important resource for understanding the dynamics of the 2016 election and Clinton's role in it. Viewers gain a nuanced perspective of her public and private political life.

For more information on "With All Due Respect," visit the IMDB page.

6) "Clinton Cash" (2016) - Directed by M.A. Taylor

"Clinton Cash" (2016) examines the financial activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton through donations made to the Clinton Foundation and paid speeches. It explores how foreign entities supposedly influenced the Clintons' personal wealth by contributing to the foundation during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.

The film is based on the book "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer. It delves into the financial dynamics that purportedly resulted in the Clintons' accumulation of considerable wealth after leaving the White House.

"Clinton Cash" utilizes discussions and interviews to outline its arguments. It includes Peter Schweizer, Sani Abacha, and Gilbert Chagoury, among others, to provide insights and perspectives on the issue at hand.

For more information on the film, visit its IMDb page.

7) "The Accidental President" (2020) - Directed by James Fletcher

"The Accidental President" (2020), directed by James Fletcher, dives into the unexpected victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The film questions how Trump managed to win despite most polls predicting a Hillary Clinton landslide.

The documentary starts with the GOP and DNC primaries, highlighting how Clinton's nomination seemed inevitable from the outset.

It portrays Clinton as a presumptive nominee, despite facing opposition from Bernie Sanders and skepticism from certain progressives.

The documentary seeks a balanced perspective, examining the various factors and events that led to Trump's triumph over Clinton.

Featuring interviews and analyses, this film sheds light on the political dynamics of the 2016 election.

For more information, visit the "IMDb page" for "The Accidental President."

8) "The War Room" (1993) - Directed by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker

"The War Room," directed by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker, offers an intimate look at the inner workings of Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign. This documentary captures the strategies and high-stakes moments that defined Clinton's journey to the White House.

The film focuses on key figures such as James Carville and George Stephanopoulos, who played vital roles in Clinton's campaign. It showcases their innovative approaches and tireless efforts within the headquarters dubbed "The War Room."

Through its cinema verité style, "The War Room" provides a raw and authentic perspective, giving viewers direct access to the behind-the-scenes dynamics. The documentary is a significant chronicle of modern political campaigning and strategy.

For more information on "The War Room" (1993), visit IMDb.

9) "Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech" (2009) - Directed by Liz Garbus

"Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech" is a documentary directed by Liz Garbus that examines the First Amendment in the United States.

The film showcases prominent First Amendment attorney Martin Garbus, who discusses the past and present state of free speech in the country.

Through various case studies, including those post-9/11, the documentary illustrates the tension between civil liberties and national security.

It features interviews and personal accounts, making it both informative and engaging.

For more information, visit Wikipedia.

10) "Recount" (2008) - Directed by Jay Roach

"Recount" is a political drama film directed by Jay Roach and written by Danny Strong.

This film focuses on the tumultuous events of the 2000 United States presidential election. The narrative revolves around the controversial Florida vote recount that ultimately determined the election's outcome.

Laura Dern portrays Katherine Harris, the Florida Secretary of State, playing a pivotal role in the recount process. Her performance stands out and draws significant attention.

Kevin Spacey and Bob Balaban also deliver compelling performances, adding depth to the retelling of this critical moment in American political history.

"Recount" premiered on HBO on May 25, 2008, and was met with critical acclaim for its detailed depiction of these historical events.

For more information about "Recount," visit IMDb or Wikipedia.

11) "The Future of Feminism" (2015) - Directed by Donna Zaccaro

"The Future of Feminism" (2015), directed by Donna Zaccaro, examines the ongoing relevance and evolution of feminism in the modern era. This documentary highlights the work and impact of Hillary Clinton, showcasing her contributions to the feminist movement throughout her political career.

The film addresses key issues in gender equality and features insights from leading feminist thinkers. It provides a look at how Hillary Clinton's policies and advocacy have influenced the broader feminist discourse.

By capturing moments from Clinton’s career, the documentary demonstrates her role in shaping contemporary feminism. The narrative intertwines her political milestones with the broader progress of the feminist movement, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of her legacy.

For more information, visit the IMDb page on "The Future of Feminism" (2015).

Early Political Career

Hillary Clinton's early political career laid the foundation for her future roles in public service. Key experiences during her time as the First Lady of Arkansas and then as the First Lady of the United States showcased her political acumen and dedication to policy reform.

First Lady of Arkansas

Hillary Clinton became the First Lady of Arkansas in 1979 when Bill Clinton was elected governor. During her tenure, she focused on education reform and children's issues. She chaired the Rural Health Advisory Committee and introduced innovative programs to improve health services in rural Arkansas.

Her work on education included the introduction of nationally standardized testing for students and better training for teachers. She also co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, where she worked on policy issues affecting children's health and welfare. Her efforts in these areas earned her recognition and established her as a committed advocate for children and education.

Role as First Lady of the United States

In 1993, Hillary Clinton transitioned to the national stage as the First Lady of the United States. She was the first First Lady to have her own professional career and office in the West Wing of the White House. Her most significant undertaking was leading the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, aiming to provide universal health coverage.

Despite the Health Care Plan's failure in Congress, her work highlighted her policy-making capabilities. She also championed the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which successfully passed and provided health insurance to millions of children. Her role extended to advocating for women’s rights globally, evident in her famous speech in Beijing declaring, "women's rights are human rights."

U.S. Senator From New York

Hillary Clinton’s tenure as a U.S. Senator saw her heavily involved in legislative activities, including securing funding for post-9/11 recovery and advocating for healthcare improvements. She introduced and supported various key bills and policies.

Legislative Achievements

Clinton's legislative achievements were significant during her time in the Senate. She focused on securing federal funds for New York’s recovery following the September 11 attacks.

She also championed initiatives for healthcare improvements, particularly related to first responders’ health issues. Another area of her work included expanding educational opportunities and advocating for children's rights.

Notable Bills and Policies

One of her notable bills was the "Family Entertainment Protection Act," aimed at protecting children from inappropriate video content.

She also co-sponsored the "21st Century GI Bill of Rights," enhancing educational benefits for post-9/11 veterans. Additionally, she introduced legislation to bolster support for small businesses and rural development, enhancing economic opportunities for New Yorkers.

2008 and 2016 Presidential Campaigns

Hillary Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns were significant political events, each defined by unique strategies, key issues, and varied media coverage and public reactions.

Primary Campaign Strategies

In 2008, Clinton focused on her experience as First Lady and U.S. Senator, presenting herself as a seasoned and pragmatic leader. Her campaign emphasized readiness from "Day One," contrasting with Barack Obama's call for change.

For the 2016 campaign, Clinton's approach was more data-driven. She heavily utilized advanced analytics to target voters. The campaign worked to address mistakes of the past by broadening appeal to younger and minority voters. Her slogan, "Stronger Together," aimed to unify a diverse electorate.

Major Campaign Issues

In 2008, key issues included healthcare reform, economic stability, and the Iraq War. Clinton’s healthcare plan sought to provide universal coverage, which she promoted based on her work in the 1990s. Economic concerns centered around the impending financial crisis.

In 2016, Clinton’s platform focused on continuing Obama's policies. Major issues included income inequality, women's rights, and gun control. Her detailed policy proposals aimed to contrast with Donald Trump’s more general promises, aiming to show her as the candidate with substantive plans.

Public Perception and Media Coverage

The public perception of Clinton’s campaigns was notably different between the two runs. In 2008, she faced significant challenges in overcoming perceptions of inevitability and struggled with likability compared to Obama’s charismatic appeal.

By 2016, Clinton’s image was shaped by her loss in 2008 and her tenure as Secretary of State. The media coverage was intense, with controversies such as the email server investigation dominating headlines. She faced scrutiny on her trustworthiness, impacted by consistent negative media portrayal, which shaped voter perceptions significantly.

The two campaigns reflected Clinton’s evolving political strategies and the changing landscape of American politics.

Secretary of State

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton led numerous foreign policy initiatives and played a pivotal role in global diplomacy. Her tenure was marked by significant actions regarding international relations and strategic partnerships.

Foreign Policies and Initiatives

Hillary Clinton emphasized strengthening alliances and sought to reset relations with Russia. A notable effort was the "Pivot to Asia" strategy, aiming to increase the United States' engagement in the Asia-Pacific region.

She advocated for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and focused on non-proliferation efforts. In the Middle East, Clinton supported the Arab Spring movements, although outcomes varied by country. Her approach to Syria involved advocating for a no-fly zone to mitigate civilian casualties.

Global Diplomacy Efforts

Clinton's diplomatic efforts included significant contributions to international coalitions and humanitarian initiatives. She emphasized women's rights globally, launching the "100 Women Initiative" to empower women leaders worldwide.

She played a crucial role in sanctions against Iran, contributing to the 2015 nuclear agreement aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear capabilities. During her travels, she met with numerous world leaders, promoting democracy and human rights.

Clinton's dedication to environmental issues was evident in her efforts to secure a global agreement on climate change, helping to pave the way for the Paris Agreement in 2015.


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