The Mysterious Murder of Aniya Mack: How Secret Texts With a Pastor Led to Her Horrific Death

The disappearance of Annia Mack in June 2018 began as a seemingly routine missing person case that quickly evolved into something far more complex. When the 24-year-old Western Michigan University psychology student suddenly stopped communicating with friends and missed work at her newly acquired position at the Great Lakes Alternative Research Center, those closest to her grew concerned. For someone described as a social butterfly with an impressive history of academic and extracurricular achievements, such silence was completely out of character.

When Kalamazoo police responded to the Hunter Ridge Apartments, they discovered a scene filled with peculiar inconsistencies rather than obvious signs of foul play. Her car had its license plates swapped with another similar vehicle, both with flat tires. Inside the apartment, officers found a bathtub full of water, men's clothing in the washing machine, and missing bathroom rugs—all suggesting someone had been in the apartment recently, despite her absence. These seemingly minor details would eventually lead investigators to uncover shocking secrets about the young student's life that nobody anticipated.

Key Takeaways

  • Annia Mack's uncharacteristic disappearance prompted police investigation when she stopped communicating and missed work at her newly acquired job.

  • Officers discovered unusual circumstances at her apartment including swapped license plates, a filled bathtub, and evidence someone had recently been there.

  • The investigation took an unexpected turn that would eventually reveal hidden aspects of the student's life no one had previously known.

The Missing Person Report

Initial Police Response

On Thursday, June 28, 2018, Kalamazoo Police officers responded to Hunter Ridge Apartments, an off-campus housing complex for Western Michigan University students. Officers arrived in the early morning hours to investigate a concerning situation. The police had been contacted about 24-year-old Aniah Mack, a Psychology major who hadn't been heard from since the previous Sunday.

Aniah's friend LaQuenta Watson had initiated the missing person report after growing increasingly worried. LaQuenta typically spoke with Aniah daily, and several days of silence was extremely unusual for her socially active friend. When calls to Aniah's phone went straight to voicemail, LaQuenta had even checked Aniah's workplace - the Great Lakes Alternative Research Center where she worked with autistic children - only to discover she hadn't reported to work for two consecutive days.

Concerning Circumstances

When officers arrived at the apartment complex, they discovered some puzzling details. Aniah's white 2008 Malibu was in the parking lot without license plates, while a nearly identical white Malibu parked nearby had Aniah's plates attached but was registered to someone named Gustavo. Both vehicles had two flat tires and appeared inoperable.

The police noted several other unusual circumstances:

  • A light and television were on inside Aniah's apartment

  • No one answered the door despite signs of occupancy

  • The bathtub in Aniah's bathroom was full of water, as if drawn but never used

  • Men's clothes and two teal bathroom rugs were in the washing machine

  • The air conditioning had been turned on recently

Dominic Thomas, Aniah's childhood friend, informed officers about past issues between Aniah and her 25-year-old boyfriend, Donovan Lewis. According to Dominic, police had been called previously during disputes between the couple. Donovan had recently returned to Kalamazoo after staying with his brother in Indianapolis and was working night shifts as a janitor at a local manufacturing company.

Aniah's roommate Cor arrived to let officers into the apartment, explaining that while it wasn't unusual for them to miss each other for days at a time, someone had clearly been in the apartment recently. She confirmed that Donovan often did laundry there with Aniah but didn't think he had his own key to the apartment.

Though officers found no immediate evidence suggesting violence, Aniah's personal items, including makeup and purse, remained in the apartment - indicating she likely hadn't planned to be away for an extended period.

Aniah's Journey and Community Connections

Academic Achievements and Extracurriculars

Aniah Mack was an exceptional student during her high school years. She maintained honor roll status while participating in numerous activities that showcased her diverse talents and leadership abilities. As a member of the student council, she demonstrated her commitment to representing her peers and improving school life. Her involvement extended to the health occupations Association, indicating her early interest in helping others.

Aniah's artistic talents were evident through her participation in both marching and concert bands. She was equally athletic, contributing to the varsity cheerleading squad, volleyball team, and softball team. These multiple activities demonstrated her remarkable ability to balance academics and extracurriculars while excelling in both areas.

University Life and Personal Characteristics

At Western Michigan University, Aniah continued her pattern of active engagement while pursuing her Psychology degree. She maintained her musical interests by singing in her church choir, showing her continued connection to faith and community. She also found joy in performance as a member of WMU's all-girls dance group.

Aniah was widely known for her sociable nature. Friends described her as a "social butterfly" who stayed in constant communication with her circle. This made her sudden silence in June 2018 particularly alarming to those who knew her well. Her friend Laquenta typically spoke with Aniah daily and grew concerned when calls went straight to voicemail.

Three months before her disappearance, Aniah had secured a position at the Great Lakes Alternative Research Center working with autistic children. She was thrilled about this opportunity that aligned with her psychology studies. Her unexplained absence from this job for two consecutive days was completely out of character for someone so dedicated to her professional development.

The Police Response Unfolds

Gathering Information from Concerned Individuals

When Kalamazoo police arrived at Hunter Ridge Apartments on June 28, 2018, they were responding to concerns about 24-year-old Aniah Mack. The Western Michigan University psychology major hadn't been in contact with anyone since the previous Sunday, which was highly unusual for her. Aniah was typically very social and engaged, participating in numerous activities including singing in church choir and dancing with WMU's all-girls dance group.

Laquenta Watson, a close friend who normally spoke with Aniah daily, became worried when calls went straight to voicemail. Her concern deepened after learning Aniah had missed two days at her new job at the Great Lakes Alternative Research Center, a position working with autistic children that she had been excited to secure just three months earlier.

Dominic Thomas, a lifelong friend, met police at the apartment after coordinating with Aniah's mother Loretta in Louisiana. "It's unlike her to just not answer the phone," Dominic explained to officers. "If anything is going on, I'm pretty much the only person she has here besides her family."

Examination of Aniah's Living Space

The apartment showed no immediate signs of foul play, though several details troubled investigators. The television was on and lights were illuminated inside, despite no one answering the door. When Cor, Aniah's roommate, arrived to let police in, she explained they often went days without crossing paths due to their schedules.

Aniah's personal belongings, including her makeup and hair products, remained in the apartment. Officers noted this was unusual—if she had planned to travel somewhere, these items would likely have been packed. The bathroom used by Aniah contained a bathtub full of water, as if she had drawn a bath but never taken it.

Curiously, someone had recently been in the apartment. The air conditioning had been turned on, and a load of laundry containing men's clothes and two teal bathroom rugs was running in the washing machine. Cor confirmed she hadn't done this, noting: "Somebody definitely came in today for sure."

Aniah's White Malibu and the Mysterious Swap

In the parking lot, officers discovered a peculiar situation involving two nearly identical white Chevrolet Malibus. Aniah owned a white 2008 Malibu, which investigators located with its license plates removed. In a nearby parking space sat another white Malibu—this one had Aniah's license plates attached but was registered to someone named Gustavo.

Both vehicles had two flat tires and appeared inoperable. This plate-swapping discovery immediately raised concerns among the investigating officers, who recognized this wasn't typical behavior but rather a deliberate act.

Dominic informed police that Aniah had experienced relationship problems with her 25-year-old boyfriend, Donovan Lewis. Donovan had recently returned to Kalamazoo after a brief stay in Indianapolis and was working night shifts as a janitor at a local manufacturing company. When questioned about their relationship history, Dominic revealed: "There have been several occasions that they went back and forth. One time the police was called... he threw water on her several times, he took off in that car when she came out."

Investigating the Disappearance

Donovan and Aniah's Complex Relationship

Aniah Mack's relationship with her boyfriend Donovan Lewis appeared troubled based on accounts from those who knew them. Friends reported several concerning incidents between the couple. According to Dominic Thomas, Aniah's lifelong friend, there had been "several occasions that they went back and forth."

Police learned about specific concerning behaviors. In one incident, Donovan reportedly threw water on Aniah multiple times. Another troubling event occurred when he allegedly rolled her arm up in a car window as he drove away during an attempted conversation. These incidents were serious enough that police had been called to intervene at least once.

Donovan, 25, had recently returned to Kalamazoo after spending time with his brother in Indianapolis where he had interned at a multimedia company. Since returning to Michigan, he had been working night shifts as a janitor at a large manufacturing facility for approximately a week and a half.

The Roommate's Insights

Cor, Aniah's roommate, provided critical information about the apartment situation. She explained that it wasn't unusual for them to go days without seeing each other, having been assigned as roommates less than a year earlier by the building management.

When questioned about recent sightings, Cor stated:

  • She hadn't seen Aniah since before Saturday

  • She had been away for her own graduation

  • Upon returning, she noticed someone had turned on the air conditioning

  • She observed clothes in the washer that weren't hers

The items in the washing machine raised immediate concerns. Cor confirmed that men's clothes and two teal bathroom rugs were being washed. When asked about Donovan's access to the apartment, Cor stated, "I don't think he has a key. Usually if he's coming, we leave the door unlocked."

Unusual Circumstances in Aniah's Living Space

The initial search of Aniah's apartment revealed several perplexing details rather than clear evidence of danger. Most notably, the bathtub in Aniah's bathroom was filled with water, suggesting she had drawn a bath but never used it.

Officers documented several incongruities:

  1. Two nearly identical white Malibu vehicles in the parking lot

  2. Both vehicles had flat tires and appeared undrivable

  3. Aniah's license plates had been swapped onto another Malibu registered to someone named Gustavo

  4. The bathroom mats from Aniah's bathroom were missing and being washed

  5. Men's clothing was in the washing machine

Aniah's personal belongings remained in the apartment, including items she would typically take if planning to travel somewhere. Her friend specifically noted that makeup and hair accessories were still present, items Aniah would certainly pack if she were going somewhere voluntarily.

Timeline of Significant Events

Final Confirmed Sighting of Aniah

Aniah Mack, a 24-year-old Western Michigan University psychology major, was last seen on Sunday, June 24, 2018. Friends became concerned when they couldn't reach her after this date, which was extremely unusual for the typically social and responsive student. Prior to her disappearance, Aniah had been actively engaged in numerous activities, including singing in church choir and dancing with WMU's all-girls dance group. She had recently started a new position at the Great Lakes Alternative Research Center working with autistic children approximately three months before her disappearance.

Roommate's Account of Aniah's Absence

Aniah's roommate Cor told investigating officers that it wasn't uncommon for them to go several days without seeing each other due to their different schedules. Cor had been away for her graduation on Saturday and hadn't seen Aniah since before that event. When interviewed by police on Thursday, June 28, Cor noted several unusual circumstances in the apartment:

  • Someone had turned on the air conditioning while she was away

  • Men's clothes and two teal bathroom rugs had been placed in the washing machine

  • The bathtub in Aniah's bathroom was full of water, as if drawn but never used

  • There were no bathroom mats in Aniah's bathroom

Cor expressed uncertainty about whether Aniah's boyfriend Donovan Lewis had a key to the apartment, explaining: "I don't think so... usually if he's coming, we leave the door unlocked." She confirmed that Donovan would sometimes do laundry with Aniah, but the circumstances still appeared suspicious to investigators.


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