4 Revealing Films About Chester A. Arthur's Unexpected Presidency

A Look at the 21st President's Legacy

Chester A. Arthur became the 21st President of the United States in 1881 following the assassination of James A. Garfield. Initially viewed as an unlikely and unprepared leader, Arthur defied expectations during his time in office. His transformation from a political insider to a reformer intrigued both his contemporaries and later historians.

Films offer a compelling medium to explore Arthur's unexpected presidency and the pivotal events of his era. Through dramatizations and documentaries, viewers can gain insights into Arthur's personal journey, the political landscape of the late 19th century, and the reforms that shaped his legacy. These cinematic portrayals provide a vivid window into a often overlooked chapter of American presidential history.

1) "Destiny of a Forgotten President" by William Harbinger (2018)

"Destiny of a Forgotten President" explores Chester A. Arthur's unexpected rise to the presidency. The film delves into Arthur's transformation from a political insider to a reformer who defied expectations.

Director William Harbinger skillfully portrays Arthur's initial reluctance to assume office after James Garfield's assassination. The narrative focuses on Arthur's struggle with Bright's disease and his efforts to keep his illness secret.

The film highlights Arthur's surprising support for civil service reform, a stance that alienated his former political allies. It also examines his advocacy for Native American rights and his push for a modern navy.

Harbinger's work sheds light on Arthur's personal life, including his relationship with his sister Mary McElroy, who served as First Lady after his wife's death. The film concludes with Arthur's decision not to seek re-election due to his failing health.

"Destiny of a Forgotten President" offers a compelling look at a lesser-known chapter in American history. It presents Arthur as a complex figure who rose to the challenges of his unexpected presidency.

More information on "Destiny of a Forgotten President"

2) "The Unexpected Leader: Arthur's Ascendancy"

"The Accidental President" (2018) portrays Chester A. Arthur's unexpected rise to power. The film explores how Arthur, a relatively unknown politician, became president after James Garfield's assassination.

It depicts Arthur's initial shock and self-doubt upon assuming office. The movie showcases his transformation from a party loyalist to a reform-minded leader.

"From Machine Politics to Reform" (2020) focuses on Arthur's political evolution. It illustrates how he distanced himself from the corrupt practices of the Stalwart faction.

The film highlights Arthur's support for civil service reform, culminating in the Pendleton Act. This legislation marked a significant shift in U.S. political appointments.

"Chester Arthur: The Gentleman President" (2019) examines Arthur's personal style and its impact on his presidency. It portrays his refined manners and elegant fashion sense.

The movie shows how Arthur's sophisticated demeanor helped rebuild public trust in the presidency. It also touches on his efforts to renovate the White House.

"Arthur's Legacy: The Forgotten Reformer" (2021) assesses the long-term impact of Arthur's presidency. It discusses his naval modernization efforts and their lasting effects on U.S. military power.

3) "Chester Arthur: The Accidental President" (2017)

"Chester Arthur: The Accidental President" examines the unexpected rise of Chester A. Arthur to the presidency. The film explores how Arthur, a political insider with a questionable reputation, became the 21st President of the United States following the assassination of James Garfield.

The documentary delves into Arthur's transformation from a machine politician to a reformer. It highlights his surprise ascension to the presidency and the challenges he faced as an unprepared leader thrust into the nation's highest office.

Viewers gain insight into Arthur's efforts to prove his critics wrong and his unexpected commitment to civil service reform. The film showcases his struggle to balance political pressures with his newfound sense of duty to the American people.

Through interviews with historians and reenactments, the documentary paints a nuanced portrait of Arthur's presidency. It explores his decision-making process and the lasting impact of his policies on American governance.

"Chester Arthur: The Accidental President" offers a compelling look at a often-overlooked chapter in U.S. presidential history. It sheds light on the complexities of Arthur's character and his unlikely journey to becoming a respected leader.

More information on "Chester Arthur: The Accidental President"

4) "Reforming the Civil Service: Arthur's Legacy"

President Chester A. Arthur's efforts to reform the civil service system are depicted in the film "The Unexpected Reformer" (2018). This historical drama showcases Arthur's transformation from a product of the spoils system to a champion of merit-based government employment.

The movie highlights Arthur's support for the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883. This landmark legislation established the United States Civil Service Commission and implemented competitive examinations for government positions.

"The Pendleton Act" (2020) focuses on the political maneuvering behind the scenes as Arthur worked to pass this crucial reform. The film portrays the resistance he faced from his own party and his determination to improve the efficiency of government operations.

"Arthur's Redemption" (2019) explores how the civil service reform became Arthur's lasting legacy. It depicts his efforts to implement the new system and the positive impact it had on federal employment practices.

The documentary "Unexpected Legacy" (2021) examines the long-term effects of Arthur's civil service reforms. It traces how these changes shaped the modern federal workforce and improved government effectiveness.

More information on Chester A. Arthur's presidency

Chester A. Arthur's Rise to Presidency

Chester A. Arthur's path to the presidency was unconventional and unexpected. His political career and sudden ascension to the nation's highest office came as a surprise to many, including Arthur himself.

Political Background

Chester A. Arthur began his political career as a lawyer in New York. He gained prominence within the Republican Party, becoming a key figure in New York politics. Arthur served as the Collector of the Port of New York, a lucrative and influential position.

His association with the Stalwart faction of the Republican Party both helped and hindered his career. The Stalwarts were known for their support of the patronage system in politics.

Arthur's reputation as a party loyalist led to his selection as James Garfield's running mate in the 1880 presidential election. This choice was intended to balance the ticket and appease different factions within the party.

Unexpected Ascension

Arthur's rise to the presidency was sudden and unforeseen. On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau, an unstable office seeker.

Garfield's condition deteriorated over the following months. During this time, Arthur prepared himself for the possibility of assuming the presidency. He maintained a low profile and consulted with legal experts about his potential responsibilities.

On September 19, 1881, Garfield succumbed to his wounds. Chester A. Arthur was sworn in as the 21st President of the United States. At the age of 51, he became the unexpected leader of the nation.

Arthur's ascension marked a significant shift in his public image. Many who had doubted his capabilities were surprised by his commitment to reform and responsible governance.

Key Challenges During Arthur's Presidency

Chester A. Arthur faced significant obstacles during his time in office. He grappled with reforming the civil service system and navigating complex economic issues that impacted the nation.

Civil Service Reform

Arthur surprised many by championing civil service reform. He signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act in 1883, which established a merit-based system for federal jobs. This law created the United States Civil Service Commission and implemented competitive exams for government positions.

The act aimed to reduce corruption and patronage in federal hiring practices. It marked a significant shift away from the spoils system that had dominated American politics for decades.

Arthur's support for this reform was unexpected, given his previous ties to the New York political machine. His advocacy demonstrated a commitment to good governance that went beyond partisan interests.

Economic Policies

Arthur inherited a budget surplus and faced pressure to reduce federal spending. He vetoed the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1882, citing excessive spending, but Congress overrode his veto.

The president supported tariff reform to address economic concerns. He established a tariff commission to study the issue and signed the Tariff Act of 1883, which modestly lowered import duties.

Arthur also focused on modernizing the U.S. Navy. He authorized the construction of new steel warships, laying the foundation for American naval power in the coming decades.

These economic policies aimed to balance fiscal responsibility with the need for infrastructure improvements and national defense.


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